05. Recruitment Data

Recruitment Data

Recruitment Data

The next section allows you to really set yourself apart from other candidates. You will answer a series of questions related to your desired job field. Each Nanodegree program job field will receive a different set of questions to answer. As seen below, the recruiter will have the option to read all of your responses.

Profile Recruitment

Your responses can be brief, or you can expand on your answer a bit more. What's more important is that they're personal and thoughtful responses that address your passion for the job. Your response will be completely unique to you, and will differentiate you from other candidates.

  • Make sure your responses are thoughtful, personal and professional.
  • Ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors.

The second portion of this section allows you to further refine your job preferences.

  • Display only the job criteria that match your desired job roles.
  • At a minimum, select the opportunities you’d be interested in (full-time, part-time, etc) and add your spoken languages.

Again, it's important to think about what you are really looking for in a job. Would you be willing to move to all of the locations you've selected, or accept a part-time offer when you really want a full-time job (or vice versa)? We don't want you to just find a job, but to find your dream job!